


Tell me one day when you have accessed internet for hours and has not utilized Google services. Google has became an eternal part of our web life, starting from search to reading emails, news, images, videos, social networking, blogging, video sharing, image sharing, everything that you need is offered by Google and we use it.

The most important the “Google Search”, we user to search web, the web containing billions of web pages, Google digs out and produces some of useful web pages as per your search query. But are you fed up of working on more than one window or tab as you may need to Google on more than one queries at the same time? Wait, don’t work in different tabs or windows or open Google in more than one window. I will tell you what you need to do, just open  (that 1 2 3 4 times Google in a row)

No need to open in different windows or tabs. Here you can get four Google windows in your browser. You can use these different windows to use Google for four different queries. For example, in following screen shot I have searched for Noble prize winners in year 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and search results are available in single screen saving my time and efforts.

Story behind the scene:

Alex and Erty were chatting on Google Talk one night, and Erty wondered if was taken. He jokingly wondered if they could set up a search service for Google itself. Unfortunately, was taken, but Alex pointed out that was available. In an impulse buy, they purchased the domain (Alex already had some hosting) and someone had the idea of putting four Googles on the page. Thus, GoogleGoogleGoogleGoogle was born.

Will your preffer www.GoogleGoogleGoogleGoogle.Com for multiple searches at single time, whats your word on it? Comment

Written by Ashish

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